My blessed Life by Jesus !
Love to discover the life !
Monday 20 July 2015
Wednesday 27 May 2015
~ Don't ever expect your family, your boyfriend/girlfriend, your best friend, your xxx will cheer you up as you wish, because they don't have the responsibility to do so! If they did, you are really blessed and they really love you. If they didn't, don't be upset, it doesn't mean that they don't love you just maybe they do not know you are in depressing or they felt the same way as yours. ~
Wednesday 10 December 2014
I didn't party doesn't mean that my life is boring. *laugh*
I enjoy my KTV session in the midnight with my friends.
I enjoy doing fun and crazy with my friends after work.
Yayy, we don't party but we have the other way to enjoy! *yeah*
Tuesday 25 November 2014
So I just submit my resume to them and didn't put so much hope as my resume not really attractive. LOL ....
After a few days, I got their email for shortlisted ! Wow, never expected that. So i go through their mail and follow a few steps that they had written inside the mail. I need to complete Online Assessment + Video. They will provide all the details inside the mail and what you need to do are just COMPLETE IT !
So I followed the steps and going on. I didn't did it on the day I received the mail. Due to I've to read and go through about their company information and so on its take some time.
After I feel prepared, I go for it!
First was VIDEO. They will send you a link to do the VIDEO INTERVIEWING.
You will need to answer 3 Questions that been given. I was little nervous and keep practicing in front of the laptop! Haha! You can record it down as well and for replay. No worries if you haven't ready! You can still practice it!
After done the VIDEO you will go for ONLINE ASSESSMENT. It took my one hours and above!
By the time I feel so sleepy.....:(
Have 5 section you have to completed it ! And some would have time limitation! I didn't completed it perfectly as I thought but !! After a few days I was received their E-mail again !
The email stated me that I'm successful passed for the ONLINE ASSESSMENT and got invited for the interview at Singapore. I was kinda excited actually! LOL
Cause it's quite trouble when you have to completed a few steps before you could go for an interview. So I got my number of 41. And book my ticket and go for the interview after a few days!
9am sharp for Registration. I reached there quite early about 830am, I met their crew and was so friendly! I think I'm the first candidate there lol ! But the clock haven't tick to 9 so I have to wait for it. I go down to the lobby and knew some others candidates. We have some talk while we are waiting. Its good if you knowing some other candidates while you are waiting. You will never know they might be your team member or your future colleagues/friends. Just to be nice all the time!
We went up together for registration. It's not really crowded. Would be maybe only 60-70 are successful for the invitation interview. The first stage would be Registration and document check. After passed you will need go for height check and you will be direct to group that given by the crew.
About 7-8peoples in my group. They do a short briefing for us and tell us what will going on on today~ The Cabin Crew Manager are also given a short briefing for us as well. First thing will need to pass is a TEST. Just like a short examination but it was kinda tough! lol... Lot's word not really understand about it :O
After that our group discussion was begin! On this stage, I believe that they will need to see how you going to talk, to communicate with your other team members, how you giving solution and etc. Remember, speak out is very important! Keep quiet if you wish to terminate on this round :P
Very quick, first stage was over and they will have a short discussion. After that they announce some of the numbers, and those who are unfortunately failed at this round. We got a short break after the announcement. Went to the Final Round. They will randomly pick a number and called you for a one to two interview. Yea, you have to face two interviewer.
Come to this stage, while I'm waiting for my number been called I start to feel nervous and I don't know why !!! Maybe the people getting lesser.. and finally my turn but I was just too nervous and I know I'm going to spoiled all the things. On this stage, they will ask you any question and you will required to do a role play with them. For myself, they ask me about my job and everything related to my job and how I solve the complaint customer. I did a very bad performance on my role play and I knew where my fault. Hopefully is there is a next time I won't have this kind problem!
And yes, you will know the answer by the same day! If you are selected they will arrange the next working day for you to go for contract briefing and so on. Good Luck to any candidates!
Sunday 5 October 2014
Sunday 7 September 2014
今天又写了,其实想写很久了只是似乎抽不出那闲暇的时间来好好的写~ 现在接近凌晨3点,哈哈!
我最近又经历了好多好多事情,虽然没以前那么精彩~ 但是却让我好累。就是那种万事都提不起劲!
自哀就来了,觉得自己没有用了。((笑)) 没想到吧,Jodie Hia会如此。是啊,我没你们想象中那么强啊~ 每个时刻都要撑起来,我就是要争取我所要的,或许这就是我的性格吧。小时候,就学习着做生意了,最有兴趣就是生意。点子一大堆,想这个想那个。慢慢长大了,真正该走的路又是如何?老实说,我的志愿表里填写过律师,作者,导演这3个职位!哈哈,可是现在却也没碰着一个。我有个弱点,太不敢冒险了,总是要想得周到,避免可避免的,人家不是总说要成功就要敢冒险吗?想当律师时过后又怕给人家追杀,后来才发现,不然,可惜已经太迟了 囧
作者嘛?我已经好久都没有写作的灵感了,灵感跑去哪儿了?我也不懂 囧 导演?哈哈!太天真了,是条辛苦的路,一样需要灵感,所以还是没选择了。后来,遇到了空姐。空姐似乎不难耶,又保险,又赚钱还可以免费旅行!这可赞啊!((笑
- 不知道该读什么好?我好像有好多科想读啊== Business and Management, Marketing,Mass Comm, Multimedia Design,Languages Courses,and many more
- 经济状况也没那么好,成绩也没有好到哪里去。就很普遍。
过后又想说尝试办公室里工作的滋味,就去应征了。成功被录取在一家印刷公司。也是毕生难忘的一个工作经验! 在那里上班,完全零压力呢lol
比起你做SALES的~~哈哈!每天就一样的把每一个文件排好,重复着一样的东西。真的很闷,我发现不行,我本身都那么文静那么孤僻那么闷骚了,还做这份工那还得了吗?!哈哈!后来机缘巧合下也辞职了。每份都累积几个月的经验,却让我学习了好多!真的好多!感谢主!后来就回到了槟城又一个机会让我去到了新加坡~在那里开始了我两个月的生活。在那里应征工作,打工,生活都有。后来发生了些事情,也没有那个机会所以又回槟城了。当时只不过是19岁~刚过生日!哈哈!10月份回到了槟城,钱也没有,于是找了part time job来赚点外快~就找到了现在这份工作!那时候要不是实在比不得以,我也不会选择这个来当parttime~ 因为说过了那么一句话,以后都不做promoter了!黑名单!哪知道又因为需要钱所以重出江湖吧!哈哈哈!给他们当了part time..当时属于无业游民。怎知道,第一天上班就表现了不错的成绩。哈哈!还蛮得意的~目前为止,还没遇见一个第一天上班就交出不错的成绩的promoter eh...XD
事业刚起步不久的时候,一个打击下来,我失恋了!哈哈哈!可是要不是失恋,我到今天,我应该还学不会什么是爱。我失恋了,我看见了朋友的关怀朋友的爱,许久没联络的也来关心,我真的很感动很谢谢你们!我也学会了如何爱自己爱家人爱朋友!也不止是谈恋爱而已~哈哈!后来认识了好多新朋友~每一天的生活都很精彩,拍成戏剧应该会不错!哈哈!详情就不说了,有些也忘记了,总而言之,精彩就是了:P XD...感谢主,2013一点也不乏味。20岁开始学习当领导,自己买了第一架只能手机,凭着自己打工赚来的去了泰国,热浪岛后来计划的香港之旅。对我来说很足够了,真的~可是不如意的也是会发生的,尤其是工作~都让我觉得很崩溃~起起落落很可怕~可是学习了好多!好多人一直劝我别继续做了,走吧走吧~还可以有更好的,别当笨蛋了。工作上学到的很多,人方面一样领悟了很多。这社会是怎么样的?说也说不完~20岁年尾开始有负担~养了一辆车~21岁年头拥有了人生第一间家~哈哈!其实真的完全都出乎意料~ 刚从PERTH旅行回来~感受了前所未有的体验~很棒!有机会写写那些行程和故事!哈哈!可是现在似乎感觉已到尽头,我要展开新人生新故事新生活了~不停祷告祈求主耶稣能够听见,让我回到18岁时的梦。我真心希望自己可以达成。谦虚,社会或者圣经里都教着人类要学会谦虚。所以我也一直学习着~我希望可以换个环境~让我学习更多~回到我最原本的梦想,生意。哈哈!千言万语都不懂如何说起,就像一匹布那么长,三天三夜都说不完。还有9天就告诉自己正式在这个世界上活了21年。人生才要又开始呢!主啊,祝福我吧!
Sunday 11 May 2014
Yo! I'm coming back to this lonely blog again ✌😳😝
Haha. Alright, I have no idea What's gonna write the next but now I'm on my way back to Penang! Hooray 👏👏
I'm excited back there because I need rest I need some place let my heart my body my soul rest, I can't go for vacation, the best place, my home 🏡
Home sweet home 😊..
I'm tiring for sometimes in my life and I'm sure every people will do. I need to stay positive all the way 💪 .. I trained myself in to be positive person, Thanks God leading 🙏 .. Cause I also have my work my staff, I can't let them be negative, the only way makes myself positive, so they will follow. But, I'm born in a emotional people haha I'm easy getting down too. And my close friend will think I'm negative person 😝
Of course they will, hahaha! Some blames will just threw out and I'll feel better.
And my mommy, was always my good friend. Hahahh. Everything I'll told her 😝
Once come to here, May 2014, I feel the time flies, I don't know how my day pass on until here. That's freaking fast!😰😱...
Again, the problem, I have no the right way for myself. Why???? I have this kind problem always. It follow me for lots years zzz I hate u 😠
I want to chase my dream, I....
I feel like, if now I don't? Slowly I'll lack of brave, and start to give excuse to my burden, I don't want my life be wasted like this. 😢😢😢
I love to met lots people, through them, I got a lot experience with their precious sharing 😊
It's my pleasure.
Lastly, Thanks God for providing and leading me all the days. I'm appreciate and thankful. 😘😘😘 ...