

Monday, 20 July 2015


You have my heart inside your hand ~~ 早早滴就来Rolling In The Deep 

不知不觉嘛来了新加坡都有一段时间了!时光飞逝就是这么说的吧,一眨眼我都待在这里快要一年了,horrible desu!! 是还有那么几个月才一年啦:D 
一开始对新加坡是存有偏见的 *shhhhh* 觉得这里的人不亲切,这里的生活很繁忙,这里的食物很难吃,这里很闷,这里全部的东西都大同小异,所以并没有好感!哈哈
我那么极端的想法那么偏激的,却不得不以的来到这里谋生甚至现在有想要安顿下来。我人生的经验告诉我,你不要那么快否认一样东西或者特别讨厌那样东西,那么有一天你会喜欢上它的。我已经遇过很多次啦!包括这次的新加坡之旅。有机会才和大家分享为什么吧 :P 


我每天搭巴士上班时都会经过这家咖啡馆,每次经过时候都看见很多人。对于美食爱好者的我理所当然的就引起我的注意咯 :$ lol 


在某一个星期日的早晨,终于去到了这家每天都看见却没机会进去的咖啡馆咯!当时或许还很早,可以说是没人在里面的,这店虽不是很宽阔可是也不小哦!似乎是两间店合并而成的。总体来说,店面的设计座位是不错滴~ 这个是先付款后上美食的:D 当你要点餐时直接去柜台点餐就行啦!没记错的话,这家店只收现金或者是NETS哦!Only CASH or NETS 

那天我们就点了名气相当高的Ultimate Croissant SGD14
这一份CROISSANT里的材料不少,可是对我各人来说有点太腻了。可能是有夹着芝士的关系吧,多吃几口就开始感到油腻了。所以如果早餐不想要太油腻的话还是别点Ultimate Croissant哦~ 女生的话,可能这一份足以足够给两位女生的份量。
另一个则是 THE BIG ONE SGD18 ; 名副其实的BIG lol 
就BIG BREAKFAST 份量也是很大,会让你很饱满~不妨试一试!

大大的推荐!必吃哦!真的好好吃,不会太超过,味道刚好面也煮得刚好。会让你回味无穷,当然前提是你能够接受TRUFFLE的味道 !:D 不能接受的朋友们可能就不会喜欢了呢


关于他们的咖啡 ~ 是不错滴,还蛮香喷喷的!不过他们的Matcha Latte就不合我的胃口了,不怎么样。喝了那么多Matcha Drinks还是Starbucks yichiban!! 

早餐到晚上宵夜都有呢~ 和朋友家人或爱人都会是一个很好的地方来聚会!

而且很靠近圣陶沙哦!来游玩的旅客不妨到这家咖啡馆享用早餐后就可以到圣陶沙玩一整天咯!如果不要去圣陶沙没关系,因为吃饱后一样可以到新加坡最大的购物天堂VIVO CITY走一圈!

Address: 118 Pasir Panjang Rd, 118541
Phone:+65 6750 4740
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
Wednesday 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
Thursday 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 10:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am – 10:00 pm


Wednesday, 27 May 2015


"Are You Okay..?"
"Yup, I'm fine.." 

Sounds familiar? How many of us are actually denying the truth that we are not okay at all? 
Well, it seems like happened at least one to two times per week. 
We felt unpleasant, stressful, mad or anything else but yet when people ask, "Are you Okay?" We most probably will just answer, "Yea, I'm good!" 
How often are we actually confess that we are unhappy at all? 
We tried to cover up our moody face and show the public with "happy face" just like the one of the China talent show "Face changing". 
It's not we dishonest to ourselves or to our friends, family.. It's just sometimes we don't even know WHY AM I FELT SO MAD.. OR ! We just don't want to say it out. 
So we answered, "Yes, I'm doing good." 
Have you encountered this situation before? I'm pretty sure you have! And this situation would just ruins up your day. Do you agree it? Well, at least when I'm getting emotional struggling, I would really feel it ruin my day! 
So...! How we gonna to settle it? How to cheer up our own? 

~ Don't ever expect your family, your boyfriend/girlfriend, your best friend, your xxx will cheer you up as you wish, because they don't have the responsibility to do so! If they did, you are really blessed and they really love you. If they didn't, don't be upset, it doesn't mean that they don't love you just maybe they do not know you are in depressing or they felt the same way as yours. ~ 
By this time, we had to cheer up our own! So how do we do that? 

First thing, you have to tell yourself it is not a bad day as you thought, don't let the negativeness drag you in the trough and your day gonna be like .. so black so down ... 
How to brain washing yourself? 
As a Christian, I would like to say pray it. Read bible everyday(although I didn't >,<) And definitely you will get the wisdom to control back your emotion and "brain wash" yourself :P 
As for public, read the positive article and those kind incentive text to charged yourself up! 
Keep remind yourself, Don't let the negative overcome the positive. Remember, don't blame the shoes are not pretty enough because there is some people who don't even own the legs! 
Do you get what I mean here? I hope you did!

Secondly, do something that you will feel happy! Don't get me wrong, is not asking you to drunk yourself or partying all the night! Don't try to hocus yourself. You could sing, dancing, exercising, cooking, watching TV, chit-chatting, reading or do whatever is good to you and you want to do to distract the bad mood. At least for me, singing is the best way to distract it! Just love the music and enjoyed singing, especially when singing the worship songs, it makes me feel great! 
So what is yours? Welcome to share with me here! 
Is important to find a thing that could make you feel enjoyed! 

Thirdly, FOCUSING! After you found what activities would make yourself enjoy and happy, is important too to make yourself focusing on them! Try to think, if you are singing, but is only the voice singing not the soul, WHAT FOR YOU SINGING DUDE? No point at all. We may change an example too, try to not focus when you are cooking, let me know what will happen! :P  ... Ehrmmm.. It might unappetizing or maybe scorch! 
So, is important to focus on what you do and you will find out actually the bad things or bad thought are slowly go away. 

Do you feel now the day look brighter? Do you feel the positiveness are coming to you now? Thanks God if you do! But, what if you don't? Still feeling like so miserable? As a Christian, you must look for God, believe me its works! Talk to Him, share to Him your problem. Is fine to cry out, God won't scold you but will comfort your soul will take away your problem. Remember, nothing is bigger than our God. 
Is not to purposely sharing the gospel here or having some extreme view of the religion. Don't misunderstood me :D 
I just believe that, there might some Christian read this article and this is the best way to share with them. 
As for non Christian, as long as you believe in Jesus, you are welcome to pray to Jesus anytime! OR.. You have no idea at all with all of this thing, no worries, do not feel offend too! 
You just need someone to talk with, maybe just a stranger? A friend? Mum? Dad? Anyone! or Yourself. After you sharing it out, it just like you releasing the problem out to somewhere else. 
At least, you will feel better than just now. 

Remember always, NEGATIVE drag us down, POSITIVE lead us up. 
Don't let "EMO" controlled you, but YOU ARE THE ONE WHO CONTROL OF YOUR OWN MOOD. 
Is easy to be upset because we are sinner. From the first day we came to this world, the first thing we learned is CRY. (OS: Is just to make sure we are alive, aren't it?!..*Just kidding, let's continue..) 
And we learned how to smile, how to laugh after that, and we learn it until the end of our day. 

Life is short. In Chinese there is a phase, "人生有多少个十年?" 
Meaning that how many several ten of years do we have? 5?6?7?8?
Life is short, make it fruitful and no regrets! 
What a waste if you wasting your time on being "EMO"? 
Don't you want that !? 


Text By: Jodie

*Thanks for reading, this article is only personal thoughts, not according to any references. Welcome to correct me if there is any mistake!*